Canadians The Essentials-Maintain a friendly but polite attitude. In general terms.
- Make sure you are well informed and knowledgeable about the details of your proposals. Thoroughness is valued, evasive answers are not. Expect a polite, but probing debate.
- Be careful to avoid inflated statements about your company or your products. Discussion and demeanor in meetings should be calm and measured.
- Be aware that Canadians are tolerant and reasonable and will expect and admire these attributes in others.
- Avoid making any statement that conveys the idea that Canadians are just like Americans, as this is likely to cause a strong reaction.
- Always be approachable and accessible, and do what you say you do.
- Always be punctual for meetings. Canadians are pragmatic and do not like to waste time unnecessarily.
- Make sure to translate your business materials into French in French-speaking areas.
- Show great respect for diversity. Canada is one of the world’s most multicultural countries.
- Recognize that a person’s authority in Canada is related to his or her position and responsibility, not name, social status, class, or gender.