Making a Good Impression-Canadians are normally punctual and reliable and will expect others to be the same. Tolerance and reasonableness are marked national characteristics and Canadians are also largely traditional and understated in manner. They respond well to a relaxed but respectful demeanor and do not appreciate pushy or boastful behavior.

Although Canadians relish argument, they are courteous and aggressive behavior will normally be frowned upon. They have a good sense of humor and admire it in others.

Canada enjoys good social and business relations with America, with which it shares a vast border, but Canadians are proud of their country and of their distinctive characteristics as a people. They prefer not to be taken for Americans and will respect someone who has taken the time to know the differences between the two countries and their people, and who have learnt something about their country.

Canadians are pragmatic and do not like to waste time. Although they will appreciate someone who takes the time to get to know them, they will expect meetings and negotiations to lead somewhere and to achieve something. They are direct and egalitarian and, living in one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world, expect others to be mindful and respectful of cultural and ethnic differences. Although they are good at listening to others, they value honest debate.

When working the French speaking parts of the country, an effort to speak some French, if possible, will gain respect as will proper preparation for the use of interpreters and translations and a regard for French Canadians and traditions.

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